
Posted on Feb 22, 2022

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Simple and efficient HTTP mock server open source, project repository.

The (-> moclojer) supports API-first development with the API Builder. You can design your API directly with (-> moclojer) using the yaml, edn, and OpenAPI specification. Your specification can then act as the only source of truth for your API design.

mock server - moclojer

You can make requests that return mock data defined within (-> moclojer) if you do not have a production API ready, or you do not want to run your requests against real data yet. By adding a mock server to your collection and adding examples to your requests, you can simulate the behavior of a real API.

When you send a request to a mock server, (-> moclojer) will match the request configuration to the examples you have saved for the request and respond with the data you added in the configuration (written in yaml, edn or OpenAPI).

Hot Reload support, when updating the configuration file (yaml or edn) the new settings are reloaded automatically, accelerating the development process of your mock server.

Creating mock server

(-> moclojer) uses the specifications written in the configuration file to declare the endpoints, uri parameters, and its return (which can be dynamic with the data received in the request).

Create a file named moclojer.yml (we will use yaml because it is a more familiar format to most people, k8s did a great job diseminating this format), inside the yaml file created put the following content:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /hello/:username
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "hello": "{{path-params.username}}!"

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /hello-world
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "hello": "Hello, World!"
- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /with-params/:param1
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "path-params": "{{path-params.param1}}",
          "query-params": "{{query-params.param1}}"
- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /first-post-route
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "project": "{{json-params.project}}"

Describing all endpoints declared in the configuration file, you can see the following:

/hello/:usernameGETWill take a parameter from the url called username and return the username dynamically from the response body.
/hello-worldGETStatic endpoint that returns content that is not dynamic.
/with-params/:param1GETIt will take a parameter from the url called param1 and the query string called param1, and return both parameters dynamically in the response body. Exemplifying how to consume the two types of parameters in the return from the endpoint.
/first-post-routePOSTIt will take a parameter from the body called project, and return the project name dynamically from the response body.

Multi-domain support

(-> moclojer) supports multi-domain (host), just put the tag “host” for which domain the endpoint will respond to the request:

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /multihost-sub
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "domain": ""

Run it mocker server

(-> moclojer) is written in the Clojure programming language and is provided for distribution in some formats.


CONFIG=moclojer.yml clojure -X:run # has an alias created in edn with the name "run"


You don’t have the binary file yet? Download it here. The moclojer is distributed as follows:

  • Binary format: moclojer_<OS> - in binary format (you don’t need anything additional on your operating system to run it)
    • Linux moclojer_Linux
    • macOS moclojer_macOS
  • moclojer.jar - in java format (you need to install java to run it)
  • Docker image - in docker format (you need to install docker to run it)

After creating the file you must run moclojer passing the configuration file by the CONFIG environment variable:

CONFIG=moclojer.yml moclojer # binary filename


CONFIG=moclojer.yml java -jar moclojer.jar


docker pull
docker run -it \
  -v $(pwd)/moclojer.yml:/app/moclojer.yml \

to use the edn format, you must pass the following parameters to docker: -e CONFIG=moclojer.edn -v $(pwd)/moclojer.edn:/app/moclojer.edn

Return template

(-> moclojer) uses a template engine with jinja {{var}} syntax to make it possible to make the API return dynamic content. Opening the possibility to use operators (if, ifequal, ifunequal, for, firstof and etc) and programming logic to validate received parameters.

- endpoint:
    method: GET
    path: /condition/:param1
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "unique-param": "{% ifequal path-params.param1 "moclojer" %}{{path-params.param1}}{% else %}{{query-params.param1}}{% endifequal %}"


  • path-params: the parameters passed to the endpoint /hello/:username
  • query-params: the parameters passed in query string to the endpoint ?param1=value1&param2=value2
  • json-params: the parameters passed in data request to the endpoint {"param1": "value1"}


  "path-params": "{{path-params.param1}}",
  "query-params": "{{query-params.param1}}",
  "json-params": "{{json-params.param1}}"

.edn exemple

{:endpoint {:method :get
            :path "/pets"
            :response {:status 200
                       :headers {:content-type  "applicantion/json"}
                       :body {:pets [{:name "Uber" :type "dog"}
                                     {:name "Pinpolho" :type "cat"}]}}
            :router-name :get-all-pets}}

{:endpoint {:method :get
            :path "/pet/:id"
            :response {:status 200
                       :headers {:content-type  "applicantion/json"}
                       :body {:id 1 :name "uber" :type "dog"}}
            :router-name :get-pet-by-id}}

OpenAPI Integration

You can easily mock all routes routes from a OpenAPI v3 specification. For this, you will need to define one response for each operation.


With a valid OpenAPI file schema simple-api.json

  "openapi": "3.0.0",
  "info": {
    "title": "Sample API",
    "version": "1.0"
  "paths": {
    "/hello": {
      "get": {
        "operationId": "myFirstRoute",
        "responses": {
          "200": {
            "description": "A JSON array of user names",
            "content": {
              "application/json": {
                "schema": {
                  "type": "object",
                  "required": [
                  "properties": {
                    "hello": {
                      "type": "string"

Create a mocks.json file, with the content

  "myFirstRoute": {
    "body": "{\"hello\": \"{{path-params.username}}!\"}",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "status": 200

Then run CONFIG=simple-api.json MOCKS=mocks.json <<moclojer command>>

Form upload support

On both moclojer.yml or mocks.json you can add a store key to enable multipart uploads on the route and save the content in a dir.

- endpoint:
    method: POST
    path: /hello/:username
      ## Will save all parameters at ./form-uploads directory
      store: form-uploads
      status: 200
        Content-Type: application/json
      body: >
          "hello": "{{path-params.username}}!"
  "myFormRoute": {
    "store": "formRoute",
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "status": 303

How to contribute?

We are open to new ideas to keep (-> moclojer) better, for that we need your contribution (not only writing code, contributing with what you do best), so from this moment on I welcome you to the (-> moclojer) team.

If you have a requirement that doesn’t already exist in moclojer ask for it via issue on the project’s github, here.

We have a lot to evolve and we need you to make new ideas to make (-> moclojer) even better.

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