I use open source to help people evolve, I take pleasure in seeing people evolve

Atypical Journey: From Anonymous Silence to CTO Stage (on Buser)

My path from software engineer to Chief Technology Officer (CTO) at Buser, with some reflections on what I'm learning in the process.
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Challenge, Comfort and Growth: The Art of Being Addicted to Change

Explore the fascinating universe of someone who loves change, understands discomfort as an ally and that leaving the comfort zone is always an opportunity for growth. Discover how failure is just a starting point and not an end.
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Zero acceleration

Drip by drip. Keep showing up, every day. One is better than zero
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Tech-Enabled Companies Shaping the Future

Discover how tech-enabled companies like Airbnb, Uber and Amazon are innovating and scaling rapidly, as we explore success beyond technology in startups
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