it's sad to say goodbye

Posted on Jan 5, 1989

Newsletter about software engineering, team management, team building, books and lots of notes I take after reading/studying (mine or yours)… :D

via SpongeBob SquarePants on GIPHY

É triste dar adeus, mas entendo que no momento não estamos na mesma sintonia, sinta-se livre para voltar a qualquer momento, será ótimo compartilhar o que estou estudando com você.

Caso queira voltar fazer parte da nossa newsletter tem o formulário aí na parte superior.


It is sad to say goodbye, but I understand that at the moment we are not on the same page, feel free to come back anytime, it will be great to share what I am studying with you.

If you want to be part of our newsletter again, there is a form at the top.

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